Friday, June 16, 2017

ASCA Is an Advocate for School Counselors

Leveraging more than three decades of experience in the field of addiction treatment, Pat McManus established Rock In Prevention to educate young people and adults about health and wellness, drug use, and bullying. Using music as a teaching medium, Rock In Prevention is exceptionally skilled at helping schools meet the goals and objectives of the American School Counselor Association (ASCA).

As a professional membership organization, ASCA is an advocate for school counselors and is focused on identifying and enhancing school counseling practices which have been shown to be effective at promoting student success at home, in school, and throughout their communities. To accomplish this ASCA ensures the availability of timely and relevant information, supports legislative policies and research that positively impact its members and the welfare of young adults, promotes strategic partnerships, and supports local, state, and national leaders who champion change initiatives.

Additionally, ASCA has created, reviews, and updates ethical and professional standards that articulate the professional behavior and code of conduct of school counselors.